At this three-day symposium, leading scholars and experts discussed the nature and extent of technologically-driven changes in housing and whether these changes are likely to further (or hamper) efforts to address economic, social, and environmental challenges, such as housing affordability, discrimination, and climate change.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies and The Hastings Center are partnering to explore lessons learned during the pandemic about supporting older adults dwelling in the community.
Partnerships for Raising Opportunity in Neighborhoods (PRO Neighborhoods) is a program of JPMorgan Chase & Co. to provide funds to community development financial institutions (CDFIs) that collaborate to help revitalize low- and moderate-income communities and aid their residents and small-business owners.
In March 2019, Fannie Mae and the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies hosted symposium that examined the evolving relationship between housing tenure choice, financial security, and residential stability.
A three-day symposium held at Harvard University from September 20-22, 2018 that challenged participants to discuss the range of perceptions and systemic changes needed to re-imagine integrative urban and social landscapes, as well as the labor and land markets that most often underpin the formation of slums. Over three days, the symposium sought to advance new policy, financial, design, and educational tools that could both improve existing slums and generate alternatives to future ones.
A national symposium that examined how patterns of residential segregation by income and race in the United States are changing and the consequences of residential segregation for individuals and society, and sought to identify the most promising strategies for fostering more inclusive communities in the years to come.
A two-day symposium held at Harvard Business School, supported by the Ford Foundation, Bank of America, and NeighborWorks America, which examined lessons learned from the housing crisis on sustaining homeownership for low-income and minority families.
A half-day community investing summit which looked at the innovative ideas that can bring new opportunities to America’s struggling communities, and called on leaders from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to recognize that they can work smarter and achieve more by working together.
This Ford Foundation-sponsored project consisted of three convenings over the course of one year, to explore new thinking on the role of urban planning in social justice and urban poverty reduction in developing countries.
A two-day symposium that considered the future of consumer credit and mortgage finance in the light of the financial crisis and lessons learned from it.
A symposium which brought together leaders from the business, government, civic, and academic sectors to examine the challenges of improving outcomes for consumers.
A two-day rental housing policy summit designed to reexamine rental housing policy, programs, and priorities. The symposium featured scholarly research on the nature of the nation’s rental housing problems, the government’s response to these problems, and alternative ways of engineering rental programs and policies suggested by past practice, evaluation research, and insights into the operation of housing markets.
A four-day gathering of top policy makers from four countries with similar housing challenges (Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, and Kenya) together with global experts and business leaders in housing and housing finance.