Building Assets for the Urban Poor by Design: Strengthening Urban Planning and Design in the Global South (2012)

Children running in streetThis Ford Foundation-sponsored project consisted of three convenings over the course of one year, to explore new thinking on the role of urban planning in social justice and urban poverty reduction in developing countries.

The culmination of the project was publication of the report, Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Urban Development: Correcting Planning Failures and Connecting Communities to Capital.


Sara Topelson de Grinberg, Under Secretary of Urban Development and Land Planning, MEXICO, D.F.

Rahul Jitendra Mehrotra, Chair, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University, USA

Caroline Moser, Professor of Urban Development and Director GURC, University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM

Sheela Patel, Director of SPARC, Chair, Board of Shack/Slum Dwellers International, Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA

Bish Sanyal, Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning, Director, SPURS and Humphrey Programs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT, USA

Hashim Sarkis, Aga Khan Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism in Muslim Societies, Harvard University, USA

Jane Weru, Executive Director, Akiba Mashinani Trust, Nairobi, KENYA

Christopher W. Williams, Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat Washington Office, USA