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Rental Markets a Year After Our America’s Rental Housing Report

Date: Friday, February 24, 2023
Since last year, there are signs that rental demand has slowed and rents have stopped rising (and may even be falling in some areas). At the same time, many lower-income renters still struggle to pay the rent, especially because pandemic-related assistance programs have ended.

India Conference at Harvard

Date: Saturday, February 11, 2023 to Sunday, February 12, 2023
The conference will feature panels on policy, business, and culture, including one about urban planning for smaller, emerging cities in India.

2023 Housing Supply Symposium

Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023
This hybrid symposium will showcase how housing innovation, emergent private sector programs, and nonprofit programs and projects can help revitalize neighborhoods, communities, and cities.

Toward New Narratives About Aging in Place: Getting What We Want By Investing In What We Need

Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Most older Americans want to “age in place,” yet many lack the “place” they need. Land use restrictions or local resistance to affordable, accessible homes stymie efforts to build places that work for people as they age or who have disabilities. Private-market options geared to wealthy adults are not the solution for the typical, moderate-income older American. How do we build consensus around investing in the “place” in aging in place and recognize affordable, accessible homes as community assets?