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Keeping the (Decarbonized) Lights On: US Housing, Equity, and the Energy Transition

Date: Friday, December 2, 2022
Because housing produces about one-fifth of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonizing housing is a major focus of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act and several other initiatives. In this talk, Carlos Martín, project director of the Center’s Remodeling Futures Program, will discuss the multiple–and often overlapping–approaches to decarbonizing housing: energy efficiency, electrification, and renewable energy.

The Next Generation of State and Local Leaders: Annika Lescott-Martinez

Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Join the Taubman Center for a conversation with Annika Lescott-Martinez, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President of Finance at the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), about her personal and professional journey moderated by Taubman Center Executive Director Rafael Carbonell.

Stacked Decks: Building Inspectors and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality

Date: Friday, November 4, 2022
Building inspectors must regularly make difficult choices that can significantly impact lower-income homeowners, owner-occupants of small multifamily buildings, and the tenants in those buildings. In this talk, Robin Bartram, an assistant professor of sociology at Tulane University will discuss her book, drawing on her extensive research into code enforcement in Chicago.

Red Hot City: Housing, Race, and Exclusion in Twenty-First Century Atlanta

Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
In recent decades, central Atlanta has experienced heavily racialized gentrification, which has pushed low-income people and families of color to distant suburbs far from mass transit, large public hospitals, and other essential services. In Red Hot City: Housing, Race, and Exclusion in Twenty-First Century Atlanta, Dan Immergluck, a professor of Urban Studies at Georgia State University, tracks these racial and economic shifts and discusses the politics and policies that produced them.

Age-Friendly & Village Initiatives

Date: Thursday, October 20, 2022
During the pandemic, community-based initiatives throughout the United States pivoted to meet the needs of older adults at home. This virtual event explores the findings of our new report, focusing on perspectives and lessons from diverse “age-friendly” and “village” initiatives and networks.

Housing & Health Equity for Older Adults: Findings from the COVID-19 RECAPP Report

Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations that support older people—housing and service providers, community organizations, government agencies, and others—improvised solutions to address a variety of challenges. Our new report, a collaborative project with The Hastings Center, reflects on these responses, most of which were intended to be temporary, and sheds light on how we might improve housing and supports for older adults, and address longstanding inequities in the process.

Community Control or Controlling the Community? The Neighborhood Growth Revolt and the New Urban Liberalism, 1960–1990

Date: Friday, September 30, 2022
In this talk, Jacob Anbinder, a PhD candidate in history and Meyer Fellow, will discuss how the country’s tumultuous midcentury politics created an opening for a new breed of urban liberalism—one that sought to redress the injustices of the renewal era by devolving “power to the neighborhoods” but also created novel conflicts of its own.