Whitney Airgood-Obrycki

Senior Research Associate

Whitney Airgood-Obrycki is a Senior Research Associate, working on research related to affordable rental housing for low-income households and serving as the project manager and lead author of our signature report America’s Rental Housing. Dr. Airgood-Obrycki's research interests include affordable housing policy, affordability measures, rental housing markets, and suburban neighborhood change. Her work has been published in Housing Policy Debate, Urban Studies, Journal of Urban Affairs, and Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. She holds a BA in History from Simmons College, an MS in Historic Preservation from Ball State University, and a PhD in City & Regional Planning from The Ohio State University.

Whitney Airgood-Obrycki

Blog posts from this author

Neighborhood Change

Are the Suburbs Losing Status?

The traditional image of suburbs in the United States is one of middle-class, white, family...

Rental Housing

Have Incomes Kept Up with Rising Rents?

While renters’ median housing costs rose, in real terms, by 11 percent between 2001 and 2016, their...


Papers from this author