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Housing America's Older Adults 2018

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2018
More than half of US households are now headed by someone 50 or over, according to Housing America’s Older Adults 2018, a new JCHS report to be released Wednesday, November 14.

Book Release - A Shared Future: Fostering Communities of Inclusion in an Era of Inequality

Date: Thursday, November 1, 2018
More than 50 years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, what would it take to meaningfully reduce residential segregation and/or to mitigate its negative consequences in the United States? This panel discussion will feature four scholars who grappled with these questions in pieces published in A Shared Future: Fostering Communities of Inclusion in an Era of Inequality, a new book that will be released in conjunction with this event.

The Divided City: Poverty and Prosperity in Urban America

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2018
Cities, from trendy coastal areas to the nation’s heartland, are seeing levels of growth beyond the wildest visions of only a few decades ago. But vast areas in the same cities house thousands of people living in poverty who see little or no new hope or opportunity. Even as cities revive, they are becoming more unequal and more segregated. What does this mean for these cities—and the people who live in them?