In the media

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Our research is regularly cited in national and local news outlets; below is some of our recent press coverage.

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The Washington Post

‘We haven’t made any progress’: Black homeownership is stuck near 30-year lows

In many ways, African Americans have regained the ground lost during the financial crisis. Many are finding jobs and getting raises. But the holy grail of homeownership remains elusive. Forty-three percent of blacks owned homes in 2017, according to an annual report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. In contrast, 72 percent of whites did, a gap that has mostly widened during the past three decades.


Road to Nowhere: America has a moving crisis

Did you move last year? If so, you took part in a declining ritual—just 11 percent of the U.S. population changed residences last year, down from 12 percent in 2013 and 13 percent in 2006.

The Huffington Post

America’s Housing Crisis Is A Ticking Time Bomb

By nearly every measure, the American housing sector is broken. For decades, city, state and federal policies have contributed to rising rents, falling subsidies and the systematic shift of homeownership to older, richer and whiter Americans.



It is lovely up there this time of year, and the trip would afford the chance to rethink the slash-and-burn vision of affordable housing offered last month in your role as secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.