In the media

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Our research is regularly cited in national and local news outlets; below is some of our recent press coverage.

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One Simple Reform Could Save U.S. Homeowners Billions

Homeownership has become increasingly unaffordable to working families in recent years, a trend worsened by the coronavirus pandemic. There’s a way the government can ease some of that burden, particularly for first-time buyers, who are disproportionately minorities: Do what’s needed to reduce the unnecessarily high cost of mortgage insurance.

The New York Times

Elderly and Homeless: America’s Next Housing Crisis

In a 2019 report, the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University zoomed in on the growing demand for subsidized housing and the dwindling number of income-eligible older adults receiving federal subsidies and made another disquieting projection: If nothing changes, an additional 2.4 million of the poorest senior citizens in the United States will have no access to affordable housing by 2038.

The Wall Street Journal

Coronavirus Pandemic Threatens to Widen Racial Homeownership Gap

“The opportunity for people to use this as a time to transition into buying is probably going to be less for Blacks. How great that difference is, it’s too early to say,” said Chris Herbert, managing director at the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies.