Rising house prices, increased interest rates, stricter underwriting standards, and significant student loans and credit-card debt have made it harder for younger would-be…
Between 1990 and 2016, the number of rental units in the U.S. priced below $800 per month (in real terms) shrank by nearly 2.5 million. However, over the same period, the…
This year marked 30 years since the Joint Center released its first report in 1988 and this year’s report – like its predecessors – includes a number of statistics that…
CAMBRIDGE, MA – Since the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies first released its seminal State of the Nation’s Housing report in 1988, more than 40 million housing units…
CAMBRIDGE, MA - Harvard doctoral students studying the impact of climate change on housing prices, changes in rental housing markets after the Great Recession, and the…
New York City is an increasingly expensive place to live, and housing prices are dramatically outpacing incomes. In fact, over the past 25 years, home prices have increased…
The three papers from the rich and provocative A Shared Future symposium that focused on what it would take for housing subsidies to overcome affordability barriers to…
Rents rose faster than inflation in almost three-quarters of the nation’s major housing markets, according to analyses done for our latest America’s Rental…
While rental markets are cooling nationally, market conditions remain extremely tight at the low end of the market, offering little relief to affordability pressures faced by…
As we turn the calendar to 2018, we took a moment to look back at the past year to see what were the most popular articles in our Housing Perspectives blog.
The top five…