Hyojung Lee, Whitney Airgood-Obrycki, Riordan Frost
January 27, 2024
In the past decade, there has been a great deal of attention paid to and speculation about the residential mobility and location decisions of millennials. Academics and…
After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States in March 2020, there was a spike in the number of people moving—both permanently and temporarily—and a…
Why do national trends in house prices spread more to some cities than to others? This paper proposes an explanation of house price contagion based on migration spillovers…
Are Millennials leaving town? Yes, they are. Are young adults leaving town? No, they are not. The seemingly contradicting answers are due to the fact that age and birth…
Since the mid-twentieth century, many American suburbs have transformed from lily white enclaves to multiracial milieus. How do advantaged families respond? With residential…
In the 1980s, nearly one in five Americans moved every year. About one in ten Americans moved between 2018 and 2019. Residential mobility rates have been falling for decades…
Hyojung Lee, Dowell Myers, Johanna Thunell, Julie Zissimopoulos
March 1, 2020
This study examines the role of direct parental assistance in their adult children's home buying, net of other resources. Past research has cited the importance of down…
Compared to 2013, a higher share of US households had outstanding student loans in 2016, and the typical borrower’s debt also increased markedly during that period, according…
Following the rise and fall in the U.S. homeownership rate over the past two decades, considerable uncertainty exists about its future trajectory. This paper presents our…