The Persistently Missing Middle: The State of Housing Design and Development in New England
Location: Boston Society for Architecture
Speaker(s): Hansy Better Barraza, Jonathan Evans, Sam Naylor, Paige Roosa, Theodore Touloukian
Join us for a conversation with architects and public lenders about innovative approaches to creating, developing, and financing "missing middle" housing solutions. The missing middle consists of that elusive housing that is affordable for those whose incomes are too high for subsidized housing, but are priced out by market rent or homeownership options, and generally consists of mid-rise buildings larger than a triple decker but smaller than a double-loaded podium building. Learn about projects across New England, some of which are featured in our State of Housing Design book.
Sam Naylor (Utile), a co-editor of the book, will be joined by Hansy Better Barraza (Studio Luz), Jonathan Evans (MASS Design Group), Paige Roosa (City of Boston) and Theodore Touloukian (Touloukian Touloukian Inc.).
This hybrid event (in-person and online) will be hosted at the Boston Society for Architecture (290 Congress Street, Suite 200, Boston) and registration is required for both in-person and online attendance (please note you will need to set up an online BSA account to register).
Co-Sponsor(s): Boston Society for Architecture