Opening the Gates of Opportunity: Realizing the Potential of Gateway Cities in Massachusetts
Location: Harvard Graduate School of Design
Gateway Cities are midsize urban centers in Massachusetts facing stubborn social and economic challenges, but with many assets that have unrealized potential. Our half-day event, Opening the Gates of Opportunity: Realizing the Potential of Gateway Cities, will bring together community leaders, public officials, policymakers, faculty and students to exchange ideas and information about workable solutions for cities and local economies. The agenda will feature speakers who represent a cross-section of new ideas for revitalizing our cities and neighborhoods. Out of these discussions we hope to capture innovative, cross-sector, collaborative ideas and models that will feed into the work that is being done by students and faculty in urban planning.
Boston Area Research Initiative
CHAPA (Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association)
MACDC (Massachustts Association of Community Development Corporations)
Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston
Taubman Center for State and Local Government