Investing in Lower Income Communities: A Continuing Conversation
Location: Harvard Kennedy School | 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA Belfer Building, B-500, Bell Hall
Lower income communities face continuing challenges in attracting capital for housing and other types of investments. This panel discussion, with speakers representing key stakeholder groups, is aimed at furthering the conversation about the current investment needs facing lower income areas and how lending efforts can best be focused – viable strategies and new ideas. Although the focus will be on the Boston area, the issues discussed have broader relevance.
Chris Herbert, Managing Director, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies (Moderator)
Elizabeth B. Smith, Executive Director, The Hyams Foundation, Inc.
Janelle Chan, Executive Director, Asian Community Development Corporation
Joe Flatley, President and CEO, Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation
Chrystal Kornegay, Massachusetts Undersecretary for Housing and Community Development
Esther Schlorholtz, Director of Community Investment, Boston Private Bank & Trust Co.