The Geography of Gentrification and Residential Mobility
Location: Zoom
Speaker(s): Hyojung Lee
For several decades, scholars have examined and debated the causes, extent, and consequences of gentrification. One of the key issues discussed is the association between gentrification and residential mobility. In this presentation, Hyojung Lee, a former Center post-doctoral fellow who is now a faculty member at Virginia Tech, will present new research, carried out with Kristin Perkins, a former Center post-doctoral fellow now on the faculty of Georgetown University, that examines these questions by using national, individual-level microdata to compare mobility outcomes for individuals living in gentrifying neighborhoods with similar individuals living in neighborhoods that are not gentrifying. Reconciling prior national-level and single-city studies, this research examines not only whether gentrification is associated with greater residential mobility, in aggregate, but how the relationship varies across different types of metropolitan areas.
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