
Applied Results



Displaying 291 - 300 of 319
Research Notes

Second Homes: What, How Many, Where and Who

Zhu Xiao Di, Nancy McArdle, George Masnick • February 15, 2001

This paper addresses several basic questions regarding second homes: what is or should be counted as a second home; how many second homes exist in the United States; where…
Working Papers

Multifamily Rental Housing in the 21st Century

Kent Colton, Katherine Collignon • January 5, 2001

W01-1: This paper examines the most pressing issues related to multifamily rental (apartment) housing. It begins with a brief review of the benefits apartments bring to…
Working Papers

The Fall (and Rise) of Public Housing

Paul Grogan, Tony Proscio • September 1, 2000

W00-7: The authors argue in this paper that the reengineering of failed inner city public housing projects that is underway is one of the most important and positive…