
Displaying 1 - 10 of 13
Congressional Testimony

The State of Housing 2023

Chris Herbert • February 9, 2023

Dr. Herbert was honored to testify in a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing, "The State of Housing 2023." In his testimony, he highlighted the nation’s…
Research Notes

Subprime Lending and the Community Reinvestment Act

Kevin Park • November 1, 2008

There are many causes to the collapse of the housing market and the recent financial turmoil, but the contribution of the CRA appears marginal. While banks did engage in…

Building Assets, Building Credit: Symposium Proceedings

Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies • November 30, 2003

The dream of equal, fair, and expanded access to credit in low-income communities was never more within the nation’s grasp. Three decades ago credit for home mortgages and…
Research Notes

The Living Arrangements of Foreign-Born Households

Nancy McArdle • March 30, 2001

Record numbers of foreign-born individuals and households currently reside in the United States, substantially affecting housing demand. As of 1998, the 11 million immigrant-…