
Applied Results


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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Working Papers

Homeownership Symposium - Tax Reform and Sprawl

Thomas Davidoff • September 18, 2013

HBTL-05: This paper discusses links among three familiar developments in US housing markets over the last quarter century: ongoing “sprawl” of housing units away from…
Working Papers

Project Labor Agreements

John Dunlop • November 20, 2002

W02-7: Modern project agreements have their roots in construction developments in World War II, and they emerged in the post-war era at atomic energy and space and…
Working Papers

Mixed-Income Housing Developments:Promise and Reality

Alastair Smith • October 15, 2002

W02-10: This paper examines the rationale for mixed-income approaches to affordable housing development, as well as the record of such developments in meeting their…