Housing & Cities: Ben Hecht (Living Cities)

Location: Harvard Kennedy School | 124 Mt. Auburn Street Suite 100, Room 106 (please note the room change)

Building Sustainable and Inclusive Communities

"From Community to Prosperity"
with Ben Hecht

President & Chief Executive Officer
Living Cities

Founded in 1991, Living Cities is an innovative philanthropic collaborative of 22 of the world’s largest foundations and financial institutions. Living Cities blends the collective financial resources of its members and deploys their collective knowledge and experience to improve the lives of low-income people and the cities where they live. The organization supports efforts that simultaneously tackle issues of people, place and opportunity.  They help to aggregate talent, knowledge and dollars, integrate leadership across multiple sectors, and drive private markets to work on behalf of low-income people. Fundamentally, Living Cities works to redirect public and private sector funding streams away from obsolete approaches to new, innovative solutions.

Bring a lunch - dessert provided!
This event is free and open to the public.
Questions? Contact (617) 495-7908
